True Astrology?
Astrology has been a popular tool for self-discovery for centuries. But have you ever stopped to think about the basis of the astrology you practice? You may be surprised to learn that the mainstream form of astrology, tropical...
Native Americans have been connecting with nature since before they were even a thing. They knew that animals had something special to offer, and it was the first time anyone else seemed aware of this too! Native American astrology...
In Native American spirituality, there is a sense of unity and spiritual connection to all of life. Everything we see, the animals, the trees, the sky, the moon, and more are believed to be our relationships. Native American astrology...
In the old days people used to believe in many things related to the stars and the moon. They used to notice omens and signs around them. There were many magicians, healers and other sages who had to interpret...
There are three charismatic air signs in the horoscope. Out of the 12 horoscope signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the air signs in the Astrology group. A person who has many celestial bodies with air element can be...
There is basically no fixed shape or fixed direction for water. That is why we are most susceptible to and need to be influenced by other elements in astrology. Water sign is also the power to sustain life on earth as most...
Earth Zodiac signs have a strong influence in an Astrology chart, but the question is, what are the earth signs?. The Earth signs in astrology Zodiacs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The element of earth in astrology has many...
The fire Zodiac signs in astrology are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The element of Fire has many aspects itself. It gives off a dazzling light that is spiritually enlightening to those who have the nature of other elements.
People are attracted to the fiery...
Jupiter Saturn conjunction 2020
We are invited at watch party in the sky on reunion of two planets. Jupiter and Saturn will be two fold planets in the sky for the First Time In Nearly 800 Years.
Jupiter and Saturn are...
The meaning of a horoscope is that there is a picture of the planets drawn in the sky at a given time. It can also be said that the Horoscope is a map of the time of the birth...
Love compatibility in horoscope
Speaking of love fortune-telling, isn't it one of the themes of horoscope flowers?
When looking at the love compatibility in Western astrology, the key planets are Venus, the star of love, and Mars, the star of action.
A brief description and explanation of the 12 Astrological Horoscope House. According to a certain order, the representation of the horoscope circle (radix) takes place on the part of astrology. The first rough basis is the vertical and horizontal dividing...
Astrology is the unique science of studying and analyzing the effects of rays or waves from the interrelationships of the stars and planets in the solar system with the help of micro-mathematical formulas on the existing roots and consciousness...
It is well known that the horoscope circle (radix) is divided into twelve fields and, with its houses and signs, taking into account the planetary influences in the natal chart, can provide information about the personality. The additional division...
Pisces are born between (February 21 to March 20), the twelfth sign of the zodiac is ruled by the planet Neptune, a sign of Water, just like the sign of Cancer and the sign of Scorpio. To find out what...