In Astrology, the Air Element symbolizes curiosity, logic and communication. The Air zodiac signs are: Gemini, Libra (Scale) and Aquarius.
In Astrology, there are four Elements, or Triplicities, each consisting of three signs. The air zodiac signs are: Gemini, Libra...
In astrology, the Earth Element symbolizes the practical meaning of life, stability, and the material side of things. The Earth zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
In Astrology, there are four Elements, or triplicities, each consisting of three signs....
Native American zodiac signs are a unique form of astronomy. They combine the knowledge and understanding of nature, spirits in animals-the totemic system that was used to identify certain qualities or behaviors with specific creatures found on our land...
In Astrology, the effervescent energy of the Fire Element favors spiritual elevation, extreme lucidity and purification of the soul. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In Astrology, there are four Elements, or Triplicities, each consisting of three...
The moon is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It has been said that during each orbit, it travels through twelve zodiac signs and stays there for two or two and-a half days before moving on to another...
Astrology has been around for thousands of years and it's popularity can be seen in the way that our ancestors were willing to take on this study out Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury. Vedic Astrology is still important today though...
The four elements have been discussed in the Western astrology and science. The ancient Greeks theorized that there were four major building blocks of existence: fire, water, earth and air. As we know it today with modern astrophysics and...