Whenever you get into a store to purchase any product, your expectation is always to get value for your money. Before you decide on the product you will choose, the first consideration should be setting a budget. Always get a product that ranges within your budget constraints. Currently, prices are very competitive, and if you make comparisons in different stores, you will end up with a good product at a relatively lower price.
Power output for your cart to run is very crucial. This is the driving force for your cart. Moreover, the amperage determines how long you will be serviced on course efficiently. We have a set of minimum amperage specifications; however, in most cases, it depends on the manufacturer.
Batteries come as 6V, 8V, or 12V. You require some simple mathematics to determine which of these might be more suitable for you. The higher the voltage, the longer it takes to discharge. For the best golf cart Batterys are usually ideal 12-volt Batteries
Best products to consider
Trojan T-105 Batteries
Being in the market for at least 100 years, this has been the most trusted product for carts. For deep cycle, a battery that serves you for longer periods of time, the manufacturer has won most people’s hearts in this. Moreover, the two-year full replacement warranty is just exceptional.
Amstron GC2 6V AGM
This is a product which has been designed with the latest technology. If you want to minimize heating while charging and discharging, then this is the product to go for. Most battery products usually have freezing effects; however, this product is never the case. In addition, the battery charges faster, and the discharge curve is flat.
Lifeline Marine AGM Battery GPL-24T
A premium battery that is extremely versatile and from the make, it is suitable for marine applications. For wetter periods, this is a very efficient product. The product is also backed up with a five-year warranty, which in my opinion, is very okay. The longer warranty terms show the trust the manufacturer has put in the product.
Getting a good battery for your cart is never easy. You have to give a huge examination for the product you want to choose since most of the products are very expensive. Top-quality batteries that are always backed up with longer warranty terms should be given top priority.
What should I look for in a durable battery?
The total voltage should be a big consideration. 12V batteries are very suitable, especially for carts since most of them come as 36 or 48V
When should I think of replacing my battery?
The several things that can show that your battery is not in good condition. Once you start experiencing the below names signals, then your battery may not be that efficient.
- Losing charge fast
- When a battery starts taking longer to charge than how it did when you first purchased it, then it needs a replacement.
- When your cart starts becoming sluggish and slower, your battery may be the problem.
Can you overcharge the batteries?
As mentioned earlier, overcharging may repatriate your battery. Currently, we advise the use of automatic chargers. Once the charge is full, it will automatically disconnect. This will make your cart more durable.
Can I use the regular deep cycle batteries for my cart?
The simple answer is yes. The batteries are technically suitable as long as they meet the minimum specifications of your cart.