The Bear Totem in Native American Astrology

Bear Totem in Native American Astrology

In Native American spirituality, there is a sense of unity and spiritual connection to all of life. Everything we see, the animals, the trees, the sky, the moon, and more are believed to be our relationships. Native American astrology is based on the medicine wheel and this spiritual connection and the twelve-month calendar. This article will focus on the grizzly bear totem.

Therefore, there are twelve Native American zodiac signs and each sign is connected to a Native American animal totem. These animal totems become part of the basis of the character traits of each person born under that sign. But the animal signs also represent spiritual companions that help us grow and learn what we need to learn.

In this series of articles, we are exploring each Native American zodiac sign and their astrological traits.

Spiritual traits of Bear Totem

Working with the bear totem will teach you to seek the answers you need, to dig deep to find your inner essence, and then share that with the world. Through the bear totem, you can become aware of the vast untapped inner resources and learn to access them.

This type of awareness requires a separate introspective time for reflection and understanding, and the discovery of inner potential. Once you’ve figured it out, don’t keep it hidden. You are called to come out of your hiding place and share yourself with the world.

From the bear, you can learn about inner strength, learn through observation, and heal and teach while offering your gifts to others.

Characteristics of Bear Totem

People born under the grizzly bear totem rarely seek to be the center of attention; They are somewhat introverted, and generally prefer to work behind the scenes. They are naturally fastidious when it comes to cleanliness, hygiene and health. They strive for perfection. Those born under this sign often feel that they are not good enough. Some of these feelings may be remnants of a childhood in which other family members were valued more or where these individuals felt worthless.  People born under this sign find it difficult to deal with criticism. This may be because they are already very critical of themselves. They try to achieve perfection but they know they fall short, like all of us.

Does this fit you?

If this is your animal sign, you are well cared for, taking care of your appearance you are hardworking and reliable. And you worry and give. Sometimes people take advantage of your gentle and obedient nature and you may find that you tend to choose those who take your intimate relationships.

You are an independent thinker and therefore you like to think and solve your problems yourself. Problem solving is a skill for you.

You can be shy but you can also be stubborn in silence. You can also be critical of others and others can see that you have a sharp tongue. Sometimes you make hurtful comments even when you don’t want to.

You often find yourself taking care of others and sometimes their demands annoy you. However, you are considerate of others and can be nice to them.

Bear Totem Professions

You can often be found in the caring professions, and you would also do well with a writing career. Any career that requires using your sharp mind will serve you well.

The Bear Totem in Native American Astrology

Birth Dates in the Northern Hemisphere: August 23 to September 22
Birth Dates in the Southern Hemisphere: February 19 to March 20
Color: Purple
Season: Month of Harvest
Plant: Violet
Corresponding Western Zodiac Signs: Virgo in the Northern Hemisphere and Pisces in the Southern Hemisphere
Stone or Mineral: Topaz
Clan: Turtle
Birth Moon: Harvest Moon
Direction: South—Southwest
Compatible Spirit Animals: Beaver, Snake, Snow Goose, Woodpecker and Wolf
Complimentary Spirit Animal: Wolf
Wind: South
Element: Earth

Dating a Bear Totem and Love Compatibility

When going out, the bear totem is compatible with snakes, snow geese, woodpeckers, beavers or wolves. When the bear is eager to please his companions, he also has high expectations. His expectations of his partner are as high as those of himself. The difficulty in dating a bear totem is the opportunity. At first, the bear may not be confident enough to express itself. You might wonder why anyone would want to establish a relationship with him. Once the humble bear outgrows humility, he will become an excellent companion. Bear Totem is a gentle lover, he walks slowly with the joy of his partner.