Aquarius Love Horoscope 2021 – Marriage | Family | Health | Single

Aquarius love horoscope

Aquarius people are born between (January 20 to February 20), the eleventh sign of the zodiac is ruled by the planet Uranus, an Air sign, as are the sign Gemini and the sign Libra. To find out what the stars have in store for your future love, discover your 2020 Aquarius love horoscope 2021 without further delay! Our astrological predictions will reveal the loving forecasts for your Fire zodiac sign. Do you want to know if your astrological sign matches that of your Jules or the person you secretly love? Are you a couple or single? Here are different horoscopes dedicated to sentimental life: from the daily Aquarius love horoscope 2021 to the weekly forecasts, through the monthly climate, your strengths and your weaknesses for the quarter and even a panorama of your love life throughout the year!

The love horoscope will no longer hold any secrets for you! Besides, you can find out if your astrological signs are made to be together. Let’s test your love compatibility. 

Aquarius Love Horoscope

You will be very independent, relying on only one person, yourself. You will be able to succeed in removing the monotony of daily life, avoiding habit. As spring approaches, you will feel a lot of weariness, feeling too lonely. Your dearest desire will be to find a shoulder to rest on, a shoulder that can help you in everyday life, assist you in everyday problems.

Fortunately, you will find this shoulder, it will be that of your partner, who will gradually take over the reins of the house, giving you time to breathe a little, and frankly, this moment of respite will be welcome, because you will need to be able to recharge your batteries if you don’t want your nerves to crack. You will be delighted to see so much love in his eyes, and you will be able to curl up in his arms all summer long, he will know how to be tender, affectionate, cuddly, soothing you with his comforting kisses. If before you seemed distant, this year you will change completely, you will rekindle the flame of love in his heart, because you will have known how to recognize that you need him.

And suppose your partner ever talks to you about “marriage”. In that case, you will no longer run away for fear of committing, but on the contrary will talk with him about a future together, a sustainable and committed future. If you are single, you might have a great date this year, and you could take a big decision by the end of the year.

Aquarius Best Time for Romance

Aquarians tend to be somewhat detached by nature and aren’t known as big romantics. But this year it’s likely to be somewhat different. Persuade set to be hit by one of Cupid’s little bolts when Venus goes through an entire four months in your Solar House of Love Affairs between the beginning of April and the principal seven day stretch of August.

 Being in love makes you feel lovely now, so if you find yourself falling head over heels for someone who makes you heart sing, don’t fight it. You might even consider making some romantic commitment, and if so, this is an excellent time to do so. Be very careful, though to avoid Venus’s Retrograde period from May 13 to June 25, which is a well-known deal-breaker for anything to do with love.

Intimacy Level

Aquarius and Cancer are both ready to take on the sexual accommodating, just as the overwhelming part in the room. Sex will be arousing and sexual with no hindrances. Malignancy’s erogenous zone is the chest while lower legs and legs are erogenous for Aquarius. Erotic encounters for these sweethearts incorporate doing new things, in new settings and new positions. 

Not looking good for a drawn out relationship, the underlying sex advance between these darlings will wear off. This was their basic bond. Aquarius won’t care for Cancer’s bossy inclinations. Disease isn’t wild about shocks and is befuddled by the speedy changes Aquarius makes with no notice. Aquarius is essential for the world and feels liberated from passionate commitments. Disease needs more.

Relationship Compatibility 

Aquarius love compatibility:

· Aries: A perfect relationship. Not only are you two friends, but also lovers.

· Taurus: Which of you will catch the other?

· Gemini: A beautiful relationship where love without accountability will be on the program.

· Cancer: Difficult; there will be many pretences.

· Leo: A lot of jealousy in your relationship.

· Virgo: The relationship will have a lot of problems to hold because too many concessions will have to be made.

· Libra: Great relationship. But will it hold up for the duration?

· Scorpio: Day today, it will be too difficult to hold.

· Sagittarius: It will be difficult for you to live your intimacy, friends could well cause your breakup, because their presence will be too intrusive, leaving you no time for yourself.

· Capricorn: Both of you will know how to keep your little secrets.

· Aquarius: Every once in a while, yes, it could go on, but everyday, impossible.

· Pisces: You two will not be able to communicate.


The best months for marriage are August, October, and December, and if you think of having a baby, you will receive the news that you are pregnant in May or June. For those who are single, April, November, and December are the most beneficial months in terms of love life. You will live memorable moments next to your partner, and your relationship will become more vital than ever. Don’t forget that honesty is the best way to ensure a happy relationship. For the married Aquarius, 2021 will be a particular year, but March and April could bring a few challenges and conflicts. Discuss them calmly, even if sometimes you have the feeling that your partner no longer understands you, and you are disappointed by his behavior. Try to pay more attention to his needs because marriage is based on respect, understanding, and mutual support.

Aquarius Couple Love Horoscope

In this particular area, Uranus will advise you to regulate your moods, your discontent, your little whims or your jealousy. Of course, you will need freedom and leeway … Nevertheless, the family obligations and the constraints of life will be there, and you will have to assume them, not run away from them. Your partner will not be in the mood to carry everything alone. Try to reconcile freedom and love life, so that your relationship finds its balance for Capricorn love horoscope 2021. 2021 is an essential milestone in your duo, know it. It’s time to put your cards on the table with your partner to lay down new rules. Love will take back its place, and you will recognize with a smile that your spouse has had a lot of patience with your behavior.

You start the year with a significant test (in January) which could well influence the course of your year. If the situation is only the conclusion of a situation that has lasted too long, do not try to avoid the problems that arise and instead try to remedy them by questioning yourself on the merits! There is no longer any question of continuing on the same path but of clarifying the stuck situations and of clarifying your real aspirations. Jupiter will help you find the resources within you to break the deadlock, facilitate awareness and rise from your ashes in early April, late June, late July mid-November! A great leap forward to try to break with a state of being and moods that weighed down your wings and morale! Because ultimately it is only by being truly yourself that you will know if your duo can still (or no longer) function!

Single Aquarius Love Horoscope

Not sure that you appreciate the energies of January which push you to the wheel and especially to break with a mechanism that has been preventing you from evolving for too long now! It’s time to get rid of attitudes (often unconscious) and habits that produced the same result over and over again and tended to sabotage your love life. Please take advantage of these robust flows, disturbing certainly but ultimately saving to access your shadow areas, flush them out, clean them to let the light emerge in you! Jupiter could then offer you some great opportunities to draw on yourselves the resources which will allow you to relate differently and undoubtedly more positively and then durably to the other because now on more solid bases! Venus will increase your power of seduction tenfold between May 3 and 22, then between July 26 and August 7. The opportunity why not to test your new identity and to review and correct your mode of functioning in love more in line with your essential needs now than with fears and complexes that it is up to you this year to identify to get better rid of them.